This tutorial applicable to Visual Studio.Net 2008 full suite or if you have a Microsoft Visual Basic.Net 2008 express editions and Visual C#.Net 2008 express editions, it’s a computer programming tutorial but you will not do coding here, we will concentrate to the design and create a design using the IDE (short for integrated development environment) of the software I mention before. Now beautify your windows forms using background image of the windows form and the form’s icon of the windows forms, before that you need to download our resources files for this tutorial, follow the steps below;
Download resource file here: Click here to download Password:
After downloading the file:
Step 1: Unzip or unrar the file you’ve just downloaded using software such as WinRAR or WinZip.
Step 2: Open you Visual Studio.Net software full suite or the express editions, for this example I will use my Visual C#.Net express edition.
Step 3: Create a new project (for this tutorial we will create a search form), name your project mavGeek Search Form, then press OK button.
Step 4: Click the form from your software IDE, then look to properties of the form.
Step 5: Then change the following values from the properties window of the form;
StartPosition: CenterScreen
Text: mavGeek Search Form
Size: 316, 185
Icon: browse the icon file from the resources file you downloaded earlier, filename = find, then select the file and click OK button to change it.
BackgroundImage: browse and import the image file from the resource you downloaded earlier, filename = bg, then select the file and click OK button to change it.
MinimizeBox: False
MaximizeBox: False
Step 6: Add new few control to a form, in my example I will add textbox and a button, then modify the text property of the button to value FIND.
And were done…
Notice the background image of the form and the magnifying icon in the title bar looks gorgeous…
Note: mav Geek’s does not store or upload file to this website. We upload files to other file sharing website such as, Have a nice stay here.
mav Geek
May 15, 2009 at 8:22 AM
good tips